Adjusting Techniques

Chiropractic Adjustments & Techniques for Williamsville, NY

There are over 140 different adjusting techniques or styles in the chiropractic profession. Most offices offer the founder’s technique called Diversified or Palmer. We offer this, as well as 5 other techniques, to meet the needs of the very young, the elderly, the post-surgical, the big, the small and the sensitive.

Our philosophy is to teach, inspire and ultimately assist the healing of those who seek higher levels of health and vitality so they can take action now to live a more powerful, passionate and meaningful life. Explore the following section for more information about our chiropractic adjustments. To schedule an appointment, please feel free to contact us today!

Our Techniques

Diversified Adjusting

A high velocity, low amplitude manual adjusting technique aimed at restoring proper spinal joint movement and alignment. This is the traditional chiropractic adjustment and has been shown to promote circulation in general areas of blood, lymph and most importantly the nervous system, the master system of the body.


A specialized low velocity technique aimed at increasing disc space and promoting proper disc dynamics in order to relieve nerve irritation. This treatment is shown to be highly effective for sciatica symptoms and relieving symptoms associated with disc herniations.


A hand-held spring-loaded instrument that creates a very low force chiropractic adjustment that stimulates the nervous system and is safe for all ages.


Another instrument adjustive technique more powerful than the Activator, utilizing repetitive mechanical stimulation to create circulation and neurological stimulation.

Drop Table

A manual adjusting technique using a specialized table that allows lower forces to be used with no twisting or high pressure. Fast and comfortable it is one of the most researched of the low force techniques.



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